How it will all turn out... Daughter 18 and her boyfriend, addicted to heroin, and a baby due any day... she hasn't had prenatal care since April. I did my best "fundus measurement" in a brief visit with her, and the tape measure shows 38 cm. How to reach her? How to protect her from herself? More importantly, how to protect the child on the way without alienating my daughter even more? (Imagine - the only thing MORE alienating than heroin)
My maternal instinct has and remains painfully strong. I will protect the innocent to the best of my ability, including obtaining custody as long as necessary to ensure the baby is not exposed to heroin and it's consequences once born.
I am praying that my daughter will give birth not only to a healthy child, but also to this prevailing mother-love that will finally be the factor that moves her to get away from heroin and heroin users for good.
Is your daughter using? If so the baby will need to go through detox upon her/his birth. If it were my daughter, I would be taking the child also. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
All indications are that she is using... Most telling the fact that she has not had prenatal care for fear of being drug tested... At the same time she's telling me she isn't using.
If that isn't "heroin logic" and typical lying and justification of a user, what is?
Thank you for the thoughts and prayers - mine back to you... ~hug~
are you ready?
You are in my thoughts.
We're both ready!
WE are both ready - yes. :-)
I wish you all the best. You are not alone. Stay strong and remember that your daughter is a great person who got caught up in the wrong thing, and you're doing everything you can.
Wishing you all the best. Sending hugs and prayers to you and yours!!
Don't know how I've missed you for so long. I'm at brokenhearted mom's place. My heroin addict son is in prison for a while(he's 25).
I have thought often of what I would do if he or his wierdo using girlfriends showed up with a baby.Now he is in prison,so I'm safe for awhile.But I feel just as you-I would get custody,no matter the cost.You cannot leave a baby with them.
I so feel for you,yet I feel you & Fractal mom are doing the moral thing.God bless you, and God bless the baby coming.I will pray it is healthy.
(I'll link ya now)
"this prevailing mother-love."
yes. i'm praying for that to be the key, too. god bless your example.
peace to you and yours. especially the new one.
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